Die Nacht Ist Leben Part 2


This blog is a continuation from the first one I wrote. In that missive I brought a short synth melody/chord sequence to a ZXE rehearsal for Tony and Pietro to liven up. Now I’ve known Pietro for many, many years. He is one of the guitarists I admire most and feel blessed that he is a part of this band. I intricately know his and Tony’s guitar prowess. One of the things I’ve learned is Pietro has the ability to change my conception of a song. Some musicians add elements to the existing material and that, in and of itself, is amazing. But some musicians have the ability to actually change the actual conception of the material. And that is Pietro’s gift. It’s impossible to imagine the song without that key element. If you compare today's MP3 attachment from the one on my first update you will hear what I mean.


 The minute Pietro plugged in his guitar he turned what I thought was going to be a simple mellow synth tune into a guitar ballad. I remember being in the studio and hearing his pick gently slide across his guitar strings on the first beat - actually right before the downbeat - and I realized immediately then and there that he changed my conception of the song entirely. And I loved it.

 What strikes me about his playing is the clarity, the bell like tones, the use of inversion and arpeggiation, and, most importantly, the use of space. He plays only when necessary and blasts a power chord only when it is demanded. I think of him as our secret weapon except it’s no secret.

I wanted to add lyrics and a singer to this piece and in my next update will explore that aspect of the song. Till next time.
